Inspiration Room

Microsoft event campaign


Microsoft organized the event “Reimaginando la empresa en la era digital” and invite executives through a campaign on Linkedin.

The Brand

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq MSFT) is world leader in software, services and internet technology for home and corporate use. The company offers a wide range of products and services designed to enhance people’s skills using the best software, anywhere, anytime on any device.


Microsoft organized the event Reimaginando la empresa en la era digital (Reimagining the company in the digital era). The goal was to invite executives to learn about Microsoft Cloud and the possibilities it offered for their companies’ evolution: explaining how to boost personalized and flexible experiences, as well as presenting their devices and services.

Since the event targeted professionals of specific industries, in line with the services the company provides, Microsoft chose LinkedIn for its campaign to engage the audience with a personalized and precise message.

The aim was to reach users with a straightforward message with precise information, it invited them to the event and offered them the possibility to register right away.


A sharp segmentation was made to reach the intended audience targeting: Manager + IT, Engineering, Marketing, Sales, Business Development.

InMail ad format was chosen, delivering the message directly to the user’s inbox.

The mail sent included a concise message stating the goal of the event and its details and through the call-to-action “Reserve su cupo aquí” (Sign up here) prompted to the event website for registration.



Open rate


Click rate

The campaign’s InMail open rate marked an all-time high in the Chilean market.

Key to Success

  1. 1


    The choosing of an appropriate professional audience is fundamental for the overall effectiveness of the campaign. In this case five categories were chosen due to their direct connection with subjects to be discussed in the event.

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    Reaching the audience through InMail was the most suitable way to deliver a personalized invitation. This direct approach appealed the audience by creating a sense of closeness and exclusivity.

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    The addition of a call-to-action prompting users to the registrations site increased the effectiveness of the campaign; user was given the details of the event and a chance to secure their place right away.


“We, at Microsoft, needed to find a platform that would give great visibility to such an important event as ‘Reimagining the company in the digital era’, while allowing closeness with our target audience. We chose LinkedIn to run our campaign for it matched all previous criteria. More precisely the Sponsored InMail format for it granted us a direct approach to specific users. We were very pleased with the outstanding results of the campaign reaching 99% open rate, and a successful event turnout.”

Alexandra Aedo
Digital & Consumer Marcom Specialist - Microsoft

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