Inspiration Room

Nestlé connected with thousands of people in different parts of the world throughout Twitter


By exposing what was happening in a live corporate social responsibility event.

The Brand

Nestlé Colombia is the biggest food and beverage company in the world, with operations in 150 countries and 461 factories. In the Colombian market, Nestlé has created shared value during 70 years with a product portfolio that today includes dairy, culinary products, cookies, sweets, coffee, beverages, cereals and baby food.


Every year, @NestleColombia organizes the Creating Shared Value Global Forum together with the Inter-American Development Bank. This initiative seeks to unify development elements focused in key business areas of companies where they can create value for both society and shareholders. The fifth edition of this forum took place during October 2013 in Colombia, the first Latin-American country selected as a venue.

Because these topics are of high interest among executives and professionals from different industries around the world, Nestlé decided to live stream the conference and amplify content through the Twitter account @nestlecsv. The goal was to make the forum available to interested parties that could not attend in person. @nestlecsv also wanted to leverage the popularity of some participating speakers in order to generate engagement and maximize the number of users it reached on Twitter.


The Twitter campaign started a week before the date of the forum in order to create interest and buzz around it. The digital strategy was divided into three moments where communication was the key.

Before the event, @nestlecsv needed to educate the public on the concept of “Creating Shared Value” or CSV to generate initial awareness and interest. During the event, it used Promoted Tweets with the live streaming link so users could tune in to the presentations. @nestlecvs also shared speakers’ quotes in real time via Twitter. The aim of these actions was to attract audiences to the live stream. After the event @nestlecsv shared conclusions, results and the most relevant content from the event.

@nestlecsv used all the amplifying power of Promoted Tweets to spread the content of the Creating Shared Value Global Forum conferences in two ways:

1- Promoting the interaction between the Twitter audience and what was happening on-stage by means of participative dynamics with the hashtag #CSVForum.

2 – Shared the content of conferences and whitelisted influencers who were involved so it could Promote their Tweets Some of the influencers where: @BIDAgua | @SilviaDan @MichaelEPorter | @volansjohn



Promoted tweets impressions




Engagement rate

More than 500 people in 10 cities around the world followed the event via streaming. The same day #CSVForum was a national organic trending topic. Moreover, more than 5,500 comments about the conference were produced in social networks, 67% of them on Twitter.

Key to Success

  1. 1


    The work done before the event is of utmost importance, as well as real time communication and sharing conclusions once the event is over.

  2. 2


    The communication campaign for this event was planned more than a year in advance. This allowed Nestlé to stay one step ahead and be precise in its communications.

  3. 3


    Having real-time access campaign data via Twitter Ads allowed Nestlé to identify the best-performing organic Tweets and turn them into Promoted Tweets to maximize reach.


“The success of this campaign was based on the synchronization of teamwork. This enabled us to plan ahead of time, make the necessary adjustments and move fast and efficiently. Working with Twitter allowed us access to data that we could use to make decisions in the right moment and in real time. The different types of targeting offered by Twitter Ads assured us efficiency and results.”

Maria José Quiceno
Jefe de Asuntos Corporativos Nestlé Colombia

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